Building capacity in the cashew sector to enhance sustainability and competitiveness


Building capacity in the cashew sector to enhance sustainability and competitiveness


Session 1: Organization of the cashew market and implementing instruments for a Master Trainer

  • Value chain development and cashew market
  • Training materials development
  • Trainer’s attitudes

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Session 2: Planting material development and good agricultural practices

  • Improved planting material development
  • Good agricultural practices (GAP) and
    harvest & post-harvest

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Session 3: Cashew processing, sector organisation and cross-cutting issues

  • Cashew nuts and by-product processing
  • Organization of the cashew sector
  • Cross-cutting issues

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The inter-sessions are the periods between the
class-room sessions. During this period,
participants carry out practical activities to
develop and deepen their knowledge attained
on the technical sessions.

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“My way of expressing my points of view is more relevant and persuasive’’

(Edition 4 participant from Cote d’Ivoire)

” With the topic on Cashew markets analysis, I can make better analyses, to know the formation of prices in the markets of the cashew and to better determine future trends”

(Edition 3 participant from Ghana)

‘I have changed my way of conducting training. The training session are more participative than before where I was just talking ‘‘

(Edition 6 participant from Burkina Faso)

‘’I have gained knowledge through the MTP and I am now able to facilitate training move to the communities to facilitate cashew training which I was not doing‘‘

(Edition 4 participant from Sierra Leone)

Resource Team

Mr. De Clerq

Agricultural Extension


Dr. Adu Gyamfi

Plant Geneticist

Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana (CRIG)

Ms. Reine Dehode

Organization Development

African Cashew Alliance (ACA)

Professor Dan Inkoom

Organizational Development Expert

Ms. Cynthia Benon

Organization Development

GIZ/ComCashew Project

Mr. Atta Agyapong

Organizations Development Consultant

Mr. Atta Agyapong

Organizations Development Consultant

Ms. Cynthia Benon

Organization Development

GIZ/ComCashew Project

Professor Dan Inkoom

Organizational Development Expert

Dr. Adu Gyamfi

Plant Geneticist

Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana (CRIG)

Ms. Reine Dehode

Organization Development

African Cashew Alliance (ACA)

Mr. De Clerq

Agricultural Extension


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